Rumble59 - Schmiere - Special Edition - medium
$ 14.95
"Schmiere" (read: shmeereh) means "grease" in german
"Schmiere - Pomade medium" for medium and storm-fixed feathers - for your "feathers" always staying gorgeous and keeping their shape!
Finest hair pomade from Rumble59
- Special Edition "Sailor" -
This is no cock-and-bull story! Our new pomade aids itchy feet, brings a fresh breeze and makes your hair hold during turbulent times!
The "Schmiere" comes along in an extra big can with 140 ml!!
Made in Germany
Die "Schmiere - Pomade medium" has a medium hold with a shot "Itchy feet". Not only its blue colour but even its smell reminds on a fresh sea breeze. Ahoi!
Its creamy and medium consistency is perfectly suited to shape normal and thick hair to a pompadour. Even if you comb your hair tight back, you will be pleased with this "Schmiere"!
Once applied on the hair the "Schmiere" holds the whole day long without getting hard-dry. While making your hair hold all day long it stays flexible at the same time.
Beginners won't have difficulties to spread the pomade over their hair. Success will be achieved very quickly. Unlike other pomades this "Schmiere" can be washed-out easier. Mostly one application lasts only for one day, but you can fix that by "regreasing"!
Rumble59 Schmiere - For greasy guys and sophisticated ladies!
Content: 140ml
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