Mr Natty Hirsute Rogue Care Package
$ 64.95
NATTY SAYS: Men. Grooming is not to be taken lightly. Without the correct kit you may find yourself in peril, danger or even just a bit of a pickle when it comes to looking your very best. When Mr Natty is out in the field he sets great store by his Hirsute Rogue Care Package that includes all the tools he needs to make sure his hairy mush is always in cracking condition. In this emergency box we supply tins of our Face Forest Soap and Twizzle Wax, a bottle of Famous Beard Elixir and a bar of Shipwreck Soap to make sure that your hirsuteness is always championed. NATTY DOES: We like to think that should any of our Natty operatives be shot in the field that a tin of Twizzle would be suitably placed in their breast pockets to intercept any errant bullet. We can't guarantee your safety, but our childish minds can't help but think of the heroic deeds our fine product is capable of. Most likely you'll never need the tin for this reason and you'll just have a dazzling moustache. Fingers crossed.
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